To increase transparency in its own supply chains and the digital recognizability of items, the S. Oliver Group and the German IT startup Retraced have established a partnership. The collaboration will permit the design brand to use the platform as a central data management tool.
As per the arrangement, the German tech organization Retraced will work closely with the Rotterdam-based design organization S. Oliver Group to additionally foster the stage, putting a special emphasis on important human rights issues like digital risk management and implementing risk prevention measures in the supply chain. The fashion industry should be encouraged to act responsibly and ethically through this collaborative effort.
"Worldwide stock chains are complicated and dynamic. It is consequently vital that all partners inside the material business and past work together to make the important transparency," said Oliver Hein, head working official of the S. Oliver Group.
The joint effort means to expand the digital organization to incorporate the more intricate supply chain layers, giving total item following through Retraced.
Philipp Mayer, co-founder of Retraced, emphasizes the significance of working together to address issues facing the fashion industry and adds, The S. Oliver Group has a lot of experience in social compliance and risk management, which helps us especially in developing all functions that are relevant to the LkSG.
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