
Researchers develop innovative technology for smart textiles

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2025-03-05 10:17:49 – Germany

An innovative washable touchless technology now allows users to interact with textiles and apparel simply by pointing a finger over a sensor. The magnetic field-detecting electronic textiles were developed by researchers from Nottingham Trent University (UK), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany), and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy).

A recent study published in Communications Engineering demonstrates how flexible and highly responsive magneto-resistive sensors can be woven into braided textile yarns, making them compatible with conventional textile manufacturing methods.

Users can control the fabric using a ring or glove equipped with a small magnet. The fabric itself contains sensors, whose positions can be marked with embroidery or coloring, acting as touchless controls.

Unlike some capacitive sensors or textile-based switches, this technology is resistant to accidental activation and functions in diverse environments, including wet conditions or underwater. It can be incorporated into clothing, accessories, and other textile-based materials.

Potential applications include interactive fashion, gaming, and safety controls for specialized apparel. The sensors could enable users to activate LED lights or other built-in features with simple gestures.

To showcase its versatility, researchers demonstrated the technology in multiple use cases, including a self-monitoring safety strap for motorcycle helmets, a functional armband that allows navigation control in virtual reality.

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