The Fashion show scheduled to be held in Mumbai on February 17 under the ‘Maharashtra Textiles Show/ Make in Maharashtra’ event would be graced by National Award winning designer Neeta Lulla, known for exquisite bridal and trousseau designs.
She will showcase an exclusive Paithani collection consisting of contemporary separates, as part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Make in India’ as an initiative has great potential and I am truly humbled to be a part of this nationwide phenomenon. To me, it’s about celebrating the true spirit of Maharashtra and India,” said Lulla.
The designer is to showcase a Paithani range with the collection ranging from flowing lehangas to long kurtas to jackets, dhoti pants and sarong skirts which have been embodied to perfection to bring out the richness of Paithani.
Neeta Lulla said that Maharashtra has always held a special place in her heart. It has been home to my whole life and art. She has,thus, chosen to showcase the intricacies, elaborateness and immaculacy of Paithani, a legacy of Maharashtra.
She explained that Paithani uses the ancient technique of tapestry where multiple threads of different colours along with gold and silver threads are woven together to form a fascinating piece of silk and has a special place in the life of women who are the pillars of every family and society.
She added that Paithani collection is inspired and a tribute to the rich, giving and spectacular culture. She is absolutely confident of the range to stand out and make an impact.
The collection will showcase the diffused nature of colours to create a romantic tenor. It is made from natural silk in cotton with precious gold and silver metal threads to enhance rich jewels tone colours like emeralds, amber, garnet or cobalt.
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