
NEXTEVO launches pineapple leaf fiber production facility

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-06-26 12:22:37 – Vietnam

NEXTEVO, a materials science startup based in Singapore, has launched its first production facility in Dong Nai province, Vietnam. This cutting-edge facility transforms pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) into ready-to-spin (RTS) fiber using NEXTEVO’s efficient mechanical process for scalable production.

NEXTEVO sources pineapple leaf fiber from the Philippines, Indonesia, East Africa, and soon, Vietnam and India. Pineapple leaves, a byproduct of fruit cultivation, require no additional land, water, or fertilizers. Unlike other fibers needing dedicated resources, this method minimizes environmental impact by leveraging existing agricultural practices, transforming a byproduct into a valuable resource. They also possess skin-friendly and breathable properties, making them ideal for innovative fashion and textile materials.

NEXTEVO offers various product materials: Pineapple RTS fiber, processed in-house; blended yarn, and blended fabric. These offerings are customizable for spinners, yarn producers, and brands, allowing flexibility across the industry from raw materials to semi-finished textiles. This versatility enables their products to serve various applications in apparel, accessories, footwear, home textiles, and automotive interiors.

Harold Koh, Founder and CEO of NEXTEVO, expressed excitement about the launch, stating, “The compelling story and benefits of pineapple fiber will surely resonate with consumers and brands alike. We are excited to unveil this sustainable fiber to the textile industry, as we are able to produce it at scale in our own facility to serve our customers consistently.”

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