A common umbrella brand will be created for Indian Textile, Union Textiles Minister, Smriti Zubin Irani said on Thursday in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question. She further said that the Ministry of Textiles (MoT) has taken two major steps in the direction of promoting Indian textiles as a brand in international market. One is Annual Marketing Plan and second one is Annual Mega Event “Textiles India”
This would be done by showcasing fibre to fashion products in Indian pavilion, by organizing road shows in tandem with the ongoing event and by organizing India Eve (B2B meetings) after business hours of event.
MoT has developed a comprehensive and integrated Annual Marketing Plan in association with 11 sector Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) to promote Indian textiles in the world.
The various ongoing marketing initiatives are synergized in the Marketing Plan and specific approach has been taken for traditional, emerging and other important markets.
The key features of “Annual Marketing Plan” are: a common umbrella brand; a standard plan for doing pre-fair and post fair activities has been developed to be implemented by Export Promotion Councils. A Senior Ministry of Textiles representative will accompany the delegation to ensure its implementation.
An international media agency will be hired to ensure industry participation during road shows and India Eve. The agency will be responsible for running proper media campaign before the event and also ensure wide media coverage.
Under, ‘Annual Mega Event “Textiles India”, the Ministry of Textiles shall be organizing an annual mega event titled “Textiles India” covering the entire value chain, i.e. from fibre to fashion.
Indian brands who are planning to venture overseas can capitalize this marketing support by including such marks and products in their offering to international customers.
On support for global recognition of Indian Brands, the Ministry of Textiles will be promoting global recognition of various certification marks such as Handloom mark and Silk Mark and traditional products such as Baluchari Silk, Jamdani Cotton, Chanderi Saree, Pochhampally Ikat, tie-dye, etc.
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