
Modern Meadow scales up Bio-Vera leather alternative for commercial markets

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-09-26 16:56:13 – USA

Modern Meadow, a biomaterial company, has announced that its Bio-Vera leather alternative is now ready for the commercial market. The company revealed at the recent Lineapelle Milano leather fair that it has scaled its production capabilities to over 500,000 square meters of Bio-Vera material annually.

Bio-Vera, made from a mix of plant-based proteins and polymers called Bio-Alloy, mimics the look, feel, and performance of traditional leather without using petroleum-based or animal-derived ingredients. The material boasts more than 90% renewable carbon content, positioning it as a sustainable alternative in the leather industry.

David Williamson, President and CEO of Modern Meadow, expressed confidence in the company's ability to meet commercial demands, stating, “With our new production capabilities, we are confident in our ability to help our customers achieve their sustainability goals at scale.”

Bio-Vera is designed for use in various sectors, including footwear, fashion accessories, furniture, and the automotive industry. This expansion into commercial production comes after Modern Meadow refocused its operations on biomaterials, selling off its beauty and biomedical divisions earlier this year to HTL Biotechnology.

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