In the past eight years, the demand of khadi has increased to Rs 110 crore, increasing the sale and production of khadi. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is planning different schemes and ideas to promote khadi industries and also increase employment. KVIC launched a mobile application for the Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) scheme in a function held at Chandigarh Press Club on Wednesday.
Vinay Kumar Saxena, chairman of KVIC, and Harjit Singh Grewal,chairman of Punjab Khadi and Village Industries Board addressed the gathering about the new KVIC schemes, promotion of khadi and textile and to increase employment in rural sector.
Vinay Kumar Saxena said that to increase the demand and production of khadi, the government has introduced various plans.
Recently, India’s petroleum minister introduced khadi uniforms for employees and wage workers.
The people related to this industry are small wage workers with less scope of development which include 90 percent female workers. The KVIC schemes of PMEGP programme, KRDP, AWTF and SFURTI are for the development of these workers and khadi and village industries.
According to the chairman, the Ministry of Ayush will also launch yoga kits made of khadi available at Khadi Bhawan in New Delhi as well as Sector 22D and 17E in Chandigarh, in the first phase.
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