KARL MAYER GROUP has introduced a sophisticated system named CASCADE, designed to achieve significant energy savings in the operation of cylinder dryers in its PROSIZE® sizing machines and BLUEDYE dyeing plant.
CASCADE focuses on using steam as a heating medium in cylinder dryers. According to the IPCC report by ITMF Zurich, in 2021, one tonne of steam cost between USD 20 and just under USD 27 internationally. CASCADE aims to reduce process energy requirements through steam reuse.
Karl-Heinz Vaassen, Head of Textile Drying at KARL MAYER, explains, "CASCADE recirculates parts of the process steam in cylinder dryers, enabling genuine, efficient energy recycling within the machine."
The system offers significant benefits to customers, including lower energy costs and reduced CO2 emissions. For example, a dryer with 14 cylinders operating for 7,000 hours annually in the Asian market can save up to USD 17,000 per year.
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