Jharkhand, Chief minister Raghubar Das on Thursday in his address, before the inauguration of the three day fashion festival organized by Jharcraft at a city hotel urged the weaving community of the state to focus on manufacturing more marketable and fashionable apparel products.
Jharkhand produces roughly 82 percent of the total silk that is produced in India. However, manufacturers of silk products here must produce according to the demands of the market as Jharkhand and Jharcraft have the potential to become big time national and global markets in silk and lac based products in the coming years.
Stating that the weaving industry is hinging crucially on the participation of women, the CM stated that his government will be bringing nearly 4.82 lakh women under the new skill development program. A fund of Rs 700 crore has been provisioned in this year’s budget for the skill development program.
The government is also gearing up to establish a state industries board, which will connect women of 32,000 villages for providing them alternative livelihoods.
Jharcraft has taken steps towards exploring the global market through e-commerce platforms and formally launched the sale of silk sarees, men apparels and other products on a global e-commerce company.
The officials of Jharcraft expressed the confidence that many more manufacturers from the state will join the e-commerce bandwagon in the coming years.
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