Tamil Nadu chief minister J. Jayalalithaa at the state assembly on Tuesday announced that the State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu (SIPCOT) will be setting an integrated textile processing park at a cost of INR 150 crore in Thiruvadanai at Ramanathapuram district.
Thirty textile-related companies would come up in the 224-acre textile park at an estimated expenditure of Rs450 crore, giving direct employment to 6,000 people. It would also have 1 crore litre capacity desalination plant to meet the water requirements.
The project facilitated by Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation will be funded by a Central grant of ₹70 crore, focus product scheme assistance of ₹40 crore and State Government and State Industries Promotion Corporation funding of ₹40 crore.
Apart from set up textile park, the Transport Corporation of India will set up a 43-acre logistics park with an investment of ₹270 crore. This will come up in Sriperumbudur and Thiruvallur.
The Chennai Trade Centre will be expanded at a cost of ₹298 crore with a 16,000 sq metre exhibition hall and a multi-tier car park.
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