Few European-based brands have had as large an influence on worldwide outdoor gear innovation as Jack Wolfskin and Schoeller Textil AG.
The two firms have over 200 years of combined experience in designing high-performance textiles that keep the body dry and comfortable in a variety of outdoor conditions.
Jack Wolfskin, located in Idstein, Germany, and Schoeller, situated in Sevelen, Switzerland, launched a collaboration this week that combines knowledge, best sustainability improvements, and the highest quality standards in first-to-market co-developed fabrications.
Beginning in Spring 2023, Jack Wolfskin will combine its Texapore Ecosphere 100% recycled/reused PES waterproof breathable membrane with Schoeller’s market-leading performance fabrics to create exclusive fabrications that maximize comfort, durability, and longevity for a variety of outdoor apparel designs.
Daniele Grasso, vice president of product and apparel for Jack Wolfskin, said that by working together as an industry, they’ll discover the greatest solutions. Schoeller has a solid and well-acknowledged track record of performance. They share comparable ideals in creating goods that are constructed for life, making outdoor activities more pleasant, and raising industry standards for environmentally responsible manufacturing methods and materials.
The collaboration’s first textiles include a stretch woven double weave fabric and a Texapore Eco-sphere Pro Schoeller 3L fabric for Jack Wolfskin’s Discovery Wilderness line, as well as two and three-layer shell fabrics for the new Summer 2023 Trekking collection.
The fabric innovations are featured in the Discovery Wilderness collection’s Diskovera three-layer jacket. The jacket has a soft, supple feel and a nearly silent walking design, but it also has advanced waterproof breathable protection, durability, and details like expansive mesh-backed chest venting flaps for comfort in cold to tropical environments, a stowaway ‘taco shell’ hood, voluminous pockets, and waterproof zips.
Antonio Gatti Balsarri, chief commercial officer at Schoeller, said that Schoeller and Jack Wolfskin have both been recognized for inventing sustainably produced, use materials that have been loved by outdoor enthusiasts for decades. They believe that having top innovators working together is a big benefit for customers, and they hope that their cooperation motivates additional industry leaders to collaborate on initiatives to better their industry.
Both the Texapore Ecosphere membrane from Jack Wolfskin and the fabrics from Schoeller is bluesign certified to assure environmentally responsible manufacturing procedures across the supply chain, and all collaboration materials are treated with a PFC-free finish for water repellency.
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