Minister of State for Textiles (Independent Charge), Santosh Kumar Gangwar addressing a two-day National Workshop, held to strengthen Make in India in Textiles announced that government approved 20 new parks during previous seven months under the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP). The Government would set up 8 to 10 more parks in the 12th Five Year Plan. These parks will be catalytic in realizing Make in India vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
This brings the total number of parks approved to 70 under the Integrated Textile Park scheme. Once operational, these parks are expected to attract investment of Rs. 30,000 crores and generate employment for 11,00,000 persons.
The textile parks can play an important role in this regard by attracting huge investment and generating employment.
He urged the state governments and the industry to work in unison to make India a global leader in textile manufacturing.
A two-day National Workshop was conducted by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India on 9th and 10th April, 2015 in Surat to showcase progress of the Textile Parks set up under the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP), a flagship scheme of the Ministry.
Field visits were organized as part of the workshop, for prospective investors and state government officials to give them a first-hand experience of successful parks, informed an official press release.
The Minister of Commerce and Industry of Manipur informed that a road map is proposed from Moreh in Manipur to Mandalay in Myanmar and then to Thailand which will provide better access to the South East Asian market for Indian textile industry.
The industry has been reassured that the state government would provide all necessary support and peaceful and secure conditions for textile investors in the state.
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