At the recent Amazon India Fashion Week, Dia Mirza walked the ramp for Swedish fashion retail giant, H&M with pretty princess like polyester gown made of 100 percent recycled shampoo bottles promoting sustainable fashion during the launch of the very special Conscious Exclusive collection at the preview co-hosted with the Fashion Design Council of India.
The H&M Conscious Exclusive collection is the brand’s effort towards making sustainable, good-quality fashion accessible to as many people as possible.
While the brand is already one of the world’s biggest users of recycled polyester and organic cotton, their new collection promises to garner more popularity for sustainable fashion.
The 100 percent recycled polyester gown Dia donned from the collection was simply outstanding. Dia said that she was huge champion of nature and this line of H&M reflects her personal ethos… it’s important to pay attention on how one can reuse and recycle for sustainable fashion.
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