
Hexcel to produce sustainable HexPly Nature range

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-09-18 16:37:55 – USA

Hexcel has successfully shifted its winter sports production to its new HexPly Nature bio-derived product range, including the conversion of HexPly M78.1-LT prepregs to this more sustainable version. Since the 1970s, Hexcel has been a key partner to the winter sports industry, supplying a range of products such as HexPly prepregs, Polyspeed laminates, and Modipur polyurethanes to top brands including Elan, Fischer, Kästle, Stöckli, Tecnica Group, and Völkl.

The HexPly Nature Range represents the culmination of a multi-year development effort, during which Hexcel worked closely with customers to ensure these bio-derived prepregs met rigorous OEM qualification and production standards without compromising performance. The new prepregs offer the same high quality and consistency as their predecessors, including rapid curing, robust handling, and excellent adhesion to materials like aluminum, wood, and thermoplastics.

Tecnica Group, a leading ski manufacturer, praised Hexcel's seamless integration of the HexPly Nature range into its production process. Alberto Zanatta, Chairman of Tecnica Group, highlighted the successful transition and the environmental benefits of the new prepregs, noting that Hexcel's commitment to sustainability has not affected the performance or consistency of their skis.

Hexcel’s new range maintains the exceptional performance characteristics required for high-quality composite skis, reinforcing their long-standing role as a trusted partner in the winter sports industry.

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