The first ever Apparel and Garment Making Centre was inaugurated in Meghalaya by the Union Textile Minister Smriti Irani. The centre covering an area of 45,000 sq feet was set up under North East Region Textiles Promotion Scheme (NERTPS) at an approximate cost of Rs 14.26 crore and was completed within a record time since its construction began in 2015.
Once this centre functions to its full potential, it will be an indication to investors across the country that the youth of the region are ready for economic engagement and expansion. This project is a testimony of the true convergence of efforts from both the Centre and the state, Smriti Irani said.
Opportunities for employment will be presented to both men and women of the region and make them economically empowered through the Centre.
As the region is well-known for regional dyes, Textile ministry urged the weavers of the state to register with the India Handloom Brand that can connect the weavers directly with huge multinational company.
The Union Ministry of Textiles will be implementing projects worth Rs 70 crore in the Secriculture and Weaving sector for Meghalaya alone, and currently out of Rs 53 crore, close to Rs 32 crore has already been sanctioned for the state for promotion of handlooms and appealed to the youngsters, particularly women, to leverage upon their handloom legacy and become enterprising entrepreneurs.
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