Singapore-based dye manufacturer DyStar announces the release of its 11th annual Sustainability Performance Report. The report follows the GRI Standards: Core option and employs the Integrated Reporting structure to communicate how DyStar creates value for diverse stakeholder groups across six capital categories: financial, manufactured, intellectual, natural, human, and social capital.
COVID-19 has continued to face issues in FY2020, including a shortage of raw materials and rising freight costs. Due to dwindling global demand, some raw and product materials have been squandered in manufacturing plants around the world, resulting in higher non-hazardous waste output in FY2020. DyStar acknowledges the global issues at play and will continue to make active efforts to reduce its environmental footprint within the organization’s capabilities in the years ahead.
The Group has set a goal of decreasing its production footprint by 30% per tonne of production by 2025, compared to 2011 levels.
Mr. Xu Yalin, Executive Board Director of DyStar Group, said that they will continue to innovate and create a wide range of goods and processes that increase environmental performance and minimize carbon footprint across its value chain.
Eric Hopmann, CEO of DyStar Group, said that they’re also creating numerous initiatives in preparation for future demands from consumers, as well as adopting more environmentally friendly technology and improving their workflows and procedures. Traceability programs, the adoption of renewable energy technology, and the digitization of their business operations are only a few of their efforts. DyStar recognizes the importance of collaborative efforts to drive sustainability across the value chain, and it strives to support industrial innovations and form strategic collaborations on a continuous basis in order to become a long-term and trusted leader in the industry.
Some of the company’s achievements this year include an 8% reduction in water intensity versus 2019, 30% of customer packaging reconditioned, 13% reduction in emissions intensity versus 2019, and reused and 74m m3 volume of water reused.
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