During trading session at lint market in Sindh and Punjab stations demand for better grades of lint remained in focus keeping physical prices firm while buyers purchased all grades of cotton that kept market’s bottom line prices firm.
Buyers made sizeable deals for second grade of lint and also forward deals for second grade of lint at around Rs 6,425 per maund to Rs 6,450 per maund. Buyers also made one month forward deals at around Rs 6,225 per maund to Rs 6,250 per maund.
Demand of second grade of cotton remained on higher side during trading sessions and mills and spinners purchased the commodity to reinforce their long standings.
Secondary buyers purchased all grades of lint at around Rs 6,150 per maund to Rs 6,175 per maund during trading session at Punjab and Sindh stations.
Sellers withholding better grades of lint in anticipation of less arrival of better grades in next coming sessions offered commodity on slightly higher price at around Rs 6,525 per maund during trading session.
Paucity of better grades kept buyers selective while sellers kept maintaining their price level on higher side on shrinking of better grades at the ginneries.
Private sector commercial exporters made deals at Rs 6,000 per maund to Rs 6,100 per maund. During the trading session, raw grades of lint also changed hands at Rs 5,975 per maund depending on trash level.
Around 3,000 cotton bales changed hands while ex-gin price per maund remained firm at Rs 6,400 per maund. In kerb market trading took place in a range of Rs 6,000 per maund to Rs 6,200 per maund.
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