The Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society Limited popularly known as “Co-optexâ€is serving its nationwide customers for the past 80 years through 200 showrooms across India is eyeing the youth to achieve sales target of Rs365 crore for the Deepavali season.
Cooptex has launched 300 new varieties of organic silk sarees and T-shirts for the Deepavali season being sold in 11 co-optex centres in the state and these were low in cost compared to other silk sarees, said Cooptex Chairman Manohan.
Co-optex has also drawn up a strategy to tap more customers, especially youth, through online sales and diversified products. This comes amid the backdrop of a higher retail sales target of Rs 500 crore by 2017-18.
Co-optex is in the forefront of all handloom organization due to regular release of new designs and patterns to suit the changing taste and fashion trends.
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