
Carbios and FCC Environment explore recycling plant

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-08-07 16:03:39 – United Kingdom

Carbios, the French biotech firm, and FCC Environment UK are exploring the establishment of a UK-based plant utilizing Carbios’ PET biorecycling technology. The companies have signed a letter of intent (LOI) to jointly study the implementation of Carbios’ enzymatic depolymerization technology, which deconstructs PET into its basic components to create virgin-like products, in the UK market.

“For Carbios, partnering with FCC means access to feedstock at the source through its established collection systems, enhancing the efficiency and impact of our sustainable waste solution,” said Emmanuel Ladent, CEO of Carbios. “I’m confident that the combination of our complementary areas of expertise will benefit both our companies, and the acceleration of a circular economy.”

Despite the UK government's efforts to support a circular economy, recycling rates have plateaued. Both companies emphasized that innovation and investment are necessary to achieve lasting environmental change.

FCC Environment UK is eager to understand the depolymerization process better by seeking evidence-based insights on the advantages of using enzymes to treat hard-to-recycle PET. This technology promises lower energy consumption and enhanced circularity of polymers back into PET production lines.

“To deliver the challenges set out in the Environment Act, we need to think creatively about how we recover the value in materials that society no longer wants,” said Steve Longdon, FCC Environment UK’s CEO. “We are keen to explore with Carbios what contribution this technology could make to the UK circular economy and to examine further its place in the UK waste hierarchy from a firm evidence base.”

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