Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao announced on Wednesday that the proposed ‘cotton-to-garment’ park coming up in Telangana’s Warangal town to be set up in an area of 2000-3000 acres will be India’s biggest textile park and it will cover all segments. While, the textile parks in different parts of the country like Solapur, Tirupur and Surat were engaged in manufacturing only specific categories of garments.
The Warangal district collector has already released Rs.100 crore for acquiring land for the textile cluster.
KCR, as the chief minister is known, said that the textile park in Warangal town will be an international standard park and it will also have an apparel park for readymade clothing.
The government would promote the park in collaboration with various companies. Some companies have already come forward.
KCR believes the park with a township will increase Warangal’s population by four to five lakh in three to four years. With a population of 10 lakh, Warangal is the second biggest city in Telangana after Hyderabad.
He announced the formation of a special development authority for development of Warangal, which has been selected under the Smart Cities project of the central government.
Every year, Warangal will be allocated Rs.300 crore in the budget. A total of Rs.3,000 crore is expected to be provided under all schemes.
A multi-speciality hospital, multistoried buildings for the offices of municipal corporation, district collector, police commissioner, development of a theme park and convention centre were the other announcements made by the chief minister.
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