
ANDRITZ commissions to recycle glass wool waste

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2025-02-17 16:07:33 – France

International technology group ANDRITZ has successfully supplied and commissioned a cutting-edge neXline airlay system for Revibat in France. The newly inaugurated production line, launched in early February, enables the conversion of glass wool waste into building insulation panels, preventing landfill disposal and promoting sustainability.

With this advanced system, Revibat can now process complex waste and turn it into valuable products. The patented process tackles two key challenges: repurposing insulation glass wool waste and reducing carbon emissions throughout the production cycle.

The system can handle up to 1,500 kg of fiber per hour and is specially designed to create a unique nonwoven material, marking a crucial advancement toward a circular economy in the insulation sector.

Nicolas Brousse, CEO of Revibat, emphasized the significance of this new technology, stating, “The ANDRITZ neXline airlay system is a major breakthrough for our industry, allowing us to produce insulation panels from recycled glass wool waste. We aim to expand this solution nationwide, bringing recycling facilities closer to waste sources to further reduce our carbon footprint. Collaborating with the ANDRITZ technical team in Cours has been invaluable in developing this innovative product.”

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