After textile and apparel maker Raymond announced the launch of its Khadi label—Khadi by Raymond on Monday. Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd (ABFRL), formerly known as Pantaloons Fashion, on Tuesday partnered with Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) for a period of five years, to launch a new line of Khadi products under the brand Peter England. The collection named ‘Khadi by Peter England’ will be launched in the metros, starting October 2017.
Ashish Dikshit, business head at ABFRL said that it is a big step for sustainable fashion which is their objective. Consumers understand the ethnicity and nationalism of Khadi. So far, the availability of Khadi and Khadi products in the branded space has been limited. That’s the bridge they are trying to cross.
The menswear brand from Madura Fashion and Lifestyle, a unit of Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd (ABFRL) is the latest to partner with KVIC. Apart from Peter England, Madura Fashion and Lifestyle has brands like Louis Philippe, Van Heusen and Pantaloons in its portfolio.
The collection Khadi by Peter England will be priced between Rs1,000 and Rs3,000, which is the regular price range of Peter England. Going forward, ABFRL is also looking to introduce Khadi range of products under other brands (depending on the cost -benefit analysis) from its portfolio.
Last year, the brand had also partnered with India Handloom Brand (a government initiative to promote high quality handloom products) and collaborated with handloom weavers from Andhra Pradesh to develop an exclusive line of shirts. Currently, Peter England operates 700 exclusive brand outlets in India and around 15 stores outside the country.
With this convergence, over 2 lakh man hours will be generated which will benefit their artisans to a great extent. The KVIC – Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd. convergence is a major initiative to bring Khadi into the branded garments market in a big way with better designs, colours, and style to cater to the youth segment and the high end market, said V.K. Saxena, chairman at the state-run KVIC.
This partnership comes after KVIC, in 2016, had sent notices to a few apparel companies including Madura Fashion and Lifestyle over unauthorized use of the word ‘Khadi’, following which most of the companies had stopped the production under their Khadi labels and revised their existing collections.
According to the Khadi Mark Regulations of 2013, notified by the ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises, brands that put out khadi products or garments have to apply for a Khadimark Regulation Certificate. No product can be sold as khadi without the Khadi mark tag, according to the regulation. Earlier in February, KVIC had also sent a legal notice to garment retail chain Fabindia for continuing to sell garments in the name of khadi.
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