The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board has so far managed to close and demolished 363 textile dyeing, printing and bleaching units functioning in Erode district that were running without any license during the last three years and the untreated waste water was being discharged in the water sources, this was informed by a senior official today.
The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board at Erode informed based on the information received by them, they conducted a raid at Periyasemur, a suburb of Erode, yesterday and found six textile bleaching factories and a textile dyeing factory functioning without any license.
They demolished the factories in the presence of Revenue, Electricity and Police personnel, the official said.
The official said that during the last three years, they have demolished 363 such unauthorized, unlicensed textile bleaching and dyeing factories.
They have taken stringent action against some textile dyeing factories which are functioning without effluent treatment plants and discharging untreated effluent into water courses.
The action from Pollution Control Board began after receiving complaints from farmers that some unscrupulous elements were carrying on dyeing without installing zero liquid discharge system and were letting out untreated effluents that devastate agricultural fields.
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