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The Movement
2022-03-10 09:52:07
The Movement raises €1M pre-seed round to reduce impact of textile industry
Dutch start-up The Movement, the company behind the sustainable solutions Polylana® Fiber and Aware™ claim validation technology, has announced that it has successfully raised €1 million
2021-09-08 09:06:47
Calik Denim partners with The Movement on water-free indigo dyeing
Turkey-based Calik Denim and Dutch clean-tech company The Movement, have teamed up to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dyeing technology. Dyepro X Aware combines Calik's
2020-11-17 13:51:25
Giotex joins hands with The Movement to trace recycled yarn
The Movement, a dutch fibre solution company has struck a deal with the textile recycler Giotex, to insert its Aware tracer particles in the Giotex’s recycled cotton-blend yarn. This states The
2022-05-04 02:13:16
New Balance joins Regenerative Agriculture movement
New Balance joined Land to Market, an outcomes-based verified sourcing solution for raw materials sourced from verified regenerative land. Regenerative agriculture is a nature-based method that goes
2022-04-04 03:01:27
US silk brand LilySilk launches a new Zero Waste Movement
Lilysilk, the world's leading silk brand based in the US, has launched its zero waste movement to raise awareness of textile waste and encourage the fashion industry to look for greener
2020-08-28 12:12:30
Kamloop joins the sustainability movement
Kamloops opens a new eco-friendly fabric shop dedicated to sustainability. Sustainable fabrics are a new addition to Findlay’s sewing machine world. The daughter of the owners of Findlay has
2017-10-12 10:00:00
Textile exporters hit hard by unfavourable currency movement
Indian textile exporters have been facing subdued demand trends over the past few years in the key textile consuming regions of the US and EU which accounts for a majority of exports from India as
2017-08-28 12:00:00
Khadi Movement, the Assam edition of NEIFW promotes North East fabrics
‘The Khadi Movement - Assam Edition’ –the Assam edition of the North East India Fashion Week (NEIFW), is an event is conceptualized to inspire and encourage the upcoming
2017-05-09 13:00:07
Nylon yarn market sees downward price movement
In China, FDY70D/24F SD prices fell US cents 5-8 a kg in the last week of April, while were down US cents 3 a kg on the week. DTY 70D/24F prices declined US cents 8-15 a kg while 30D/10F fell US
2017-04-18 10:46:27
Nylon yarn market sees downward price movements
In China, FDY70D/24F SD prices declined US cents 15 a kg in the first week of April, while FDY40D fell US cents 7-15 a kg on the week. DTY 70D/24F prices also fell US cents 14 a kg while 30D/10F was
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