
The Lycra Company showcases bio-derived fiber

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2025-03-06 17:10:27 – USA

The Lycra Company, a global leader in innovative and sustainable fibre solutions for the apparel industry, is presenting its bio-derived Lycra EcoMade fibre at Performance Days Munich on March 5-6 at stand BW09-10. This highly anticipated fibre, set for commercial launch later this year, is made from annually renewable Iowa field corn, reducing the environmental impact of apparel production.

Lycra EcoMade fibre will be the first large-scale, commercially available renewable elastane. It offers the same performance as traditional Lycra fibre and can be used without modifying fabric structures, production processes, or garment patterns. With 70% renewable content, it can potentially reduce Lycra fibre’s carbon footprint by up to 44%.

"Lycra EcoMade fibre blends sustainability with the comfort, fit, and performance consumers expect," said Nicolas Banyols, chief commercial officer at The Lycra Company. "This innovation also helps brands achieve their sustainability targets."

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