
TexRev Project to turn textile waste into yarns

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2025-03-05 10:07:42 – Philippines

The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI) has partnered with Bayo Manila Inc. under the DOST CRADLE Program to launch the Textile Revitalized (TexRev) Project. This initiative seeks to reshape the Philippine textile industry by turning post-industrial fabric waste into sustainable yarns.

The TexRev process starts with collecting and sorting fabric waste based on color and material type. The fabric is then cut, shredded into fibers, and tested for quality. After impurities are removed through carding, the fibers are spun into yarns and blended with new materials to improve strength and durability. These yarns are later woven into fabric and undergo finishing treatments like dyeing, water resistance, and antimicrobial coatings, making them suitable for both fashion and home textiles.

"Through our commitment to the UN Global Compact and collaboration with PTRI, we are proving that a Filipino fashion brand can lead the way in circular fashion, making a difference locally and globally. We firmly believe that the future of fashion is circular," said Anna Losanta Marie A. Lagon, Co-CEO of Bayo Manila, Inc., during the 2025 National Textile Convention (TELACon).

Currently, the project focuses on supplying garment manufacturers with a sustainable alternative to conventional textiles. By reusing waste materials in production, TexRev helps businesses reduce their environmental impact while maintaining product quality.

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