The Amhara Regional State Technical, Vocational and Enterprises Development Bureau, Ethiopia has created market links for 71,022 enterprises both locally and internationally by incorporating 161,000 mobilizer. This could possibly generate over 598,000,000 ETB in local markets, said Deputy Head with the Bureau, Kassa Alemu.
According to Kassa, 22 international enterprises have benefitted 565 mobilizers and could be possible to generate 420,000 USD.
The international market linkage basically benefits many through its open job opportunities, he said. A single textile enterprise can participate close to 300 mobilizers.
USA, Turkey, India, Sudan, Djibouti, Arab Countries are among the major countries that import much of the textiles.
The Bureau has targeted to excel local market linkage to enterprises and mount the income to 2 billion ETB. Similarly, it is targeted to collect 3million USD and benefit 5,000 mobilizers from markets which are linked to international markets of 110 enterprises.
Kassa added that the bureau is intensively working to build capacity of enterprises of mobilizers to create market linkage and more job opportunities.
The bureau has planned to organize exhibition and trade fair at regional level to create more market linkage and introduce products by the coming month.
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