In China, FDY70D/24F SD prices surged US cents 10-14 a kg in the first week of June, while FDY40D jumped US cents 10 a kg on the week.
DTY prices were also up US cents 10 a kg and 30D/10F climbed US cents 11 a kg on the week.
Monofilament 30D prices rose sharply by US cents 48 a kg while nylon staple fiber 1.5D prices jumped US cents 22 a kg on the week.
Nylon filament yarn prices surged on the week given the rising cost and improved market confidence. Moreover, the market has the potential to further climb as buyers stock up volumes amid rigid demand. Nylon yarn makers kept stable operation, implying ample supply. Downstream converters also maintained stable operation with the off season drawing near.
Warp?knitting, weaving and AJ covering sectors operated at 70% while circular?knitting mills and lacing mills were running at 50%, implying modest demand for nylon yarn.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report
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